<aside> 👋 After many months of work, the EDHEC Entrepreneurs team is proud to present the 2023 Startup’s Guide to responsibility ✨

This unique framework aims to help 100% of startups integrate responsibility into the heart of their business model, right from the start.

Like us, you're sensitive to the subjects of responsibility and commitment in the startup ecosystem and would like to contribute? Help us spread the word ☀

Below you'll find customizable texts and key visuals to enable you to share this resource with all those around you who could benefit from it.

Together, let's keep moving the lines in the startup ecosystem! 🤝


<aside> 🔗 Landing page




Here are some examples of customizable texts to accompany your messages 👇 (open by clicking on the triangles on the left)

📱Social Networks

💌 Mail to entrepreneurs

📧 Mail to partners

💻 Short text newsletter

🐤 Short text Twitter

💬 Short text Slack


Below is a key visual, available in several formats to suit your communication channels 👇 To download the media, click on the red links.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/53823cb4-ef43-4f3c-8786-5a9b0095fc4d/LinkedIn_icon.svg.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/53823cb4-ef43-4f3c-8786-5a9b0095fc4d/LinkedIn_icon.svg.png" width="40px" /> LinkedIn 1 & other Social Networks

